Sep 22, 2022

Mirage of Thunder (Princeton McKinney because I can't use my real name)


 Mirage of Thunder

            Victoria felt the vibration of the big bike travel up her thighs and into the innermost regions of her belly.  The deep rumble in her ears further intensified the feeling that she and the bike were one being, each needing the other to act and react.  Victoria wanted nothing more than to exhilarate in the power and speed at her fingertips, savor the wind whipping her face, the sun burning hot and fiery on her arms, and even the sting of the sand that blew across the desert highway.  She focused on the throttle, her hand firm, yet relaxed, and kept steadily moving toward her destination.

            She had been riding all day in the desert.  The last one hundred miles of road was a forsaken, uninhabited stretch.  Unless one enjoyed being alone, surrounded by nothing but tumbleweeds and a flat, brown landscape for company, one should have stayed on the main highway instead of venturing onto this old and broken stretch of pavement.  She knew there were some desert dwellers out here—occasionally she passed narrow, rutted lanes that looked like they led nowhere.  But for now, there was only Victoria and the deserted highway.

            That’s the way she liked it.  Victoria liked her solitary travels across the desert.  If she had someplace to be, she thought, why not get there on her bike.  She was independent, free, and would never bend to the unwritten rules associated with females and motorcycles.  She would never be anyone’s old lady.  Victoria wasn’t rebellious, nor was she a troublemaker.  She didn’t believe she could solely control her destiny, but she sure wasn’t going to let anyone else control her.

            Ah, not long now, Victoria thought as she passed an ancient and crumbling post that held the remnants of a decaying billboard.  Now, knowing she was near, Victoria wanted nothing more than to stop the bike, wash the dirt and road grime from her sunburned body, and enjoy that tingling feeling that comes after a long, hard ride.  She wanted to nap for a few hours, and then, once the moon was high in the sky, continue through the wilderness in the cool of the night.

            Seeing the small building up ahead, she let up on the throttle and began slowing the Harley in order to look for a smooth place to exit the pavement.  The old, abandoned gas station stood about fifty yards from the edge of the road.  The openings where doors and windows had once been boarded over, although now most of the boards hung by one nail, or had fallen away completely, revealing an empty and dark interior.  Creepy looking place, Victoria thought.

            But Victoria wasn’t concerned with the interior of the building.  She maneuvered the bike past mounds of rubbish piled where the old gas pumps had once stood, to the back of the decrepit shack.  A smile filled her face as she stopped the bike and made her observations.  Yes, he had been here.  Well, she assumed that he was he.  Victoria couldn’t think of another woman that would travel alone in the desert like she did, let alone maintain a rough campsite in the middle of nowhere.

            There wasn’t much to the place, but when you were crossing the isolated sunbaked terrain and running on fumes by the time you reached this point, it was an oasis.  Victoria sat for a few moments before getting off the bike.  She had killed the motor and lowered the side stand, but she still felt the rumbling and vibrations.  She closed her eyes and removing her hands from the handlebars, stretched both arms high above her head, and waited for the tingling to subside.  Then she lowered her arms and hugged herself, breathing deeply of the late evening desert air.  Satisfied with her accomplishments so far, Victoria got off the bike and looked around.

            She headed first to the corner of the building and peered into what once must have been a storage closet of some sort but was now just a dark hole with no door, and litter on the floor.  After her eyes adjusted to the dimness inside, Victoria kicked cautiously at the pieces of broken lumber lying on the floor before stepping inside.  Looking deeper into the small, dark room, Victoria spotted what she was looking for—a plastic gasoline container in the far corner.

            Victoria reached the gas can without stirring up any critters of any sort and carried it outside to the bike.  After placing the spout on the can, she filled her gas tank, leaving a small bit of gasoline in the can.  She returned the container to its spot in the littered closet, and arranged the debris across the floor again, so it looked as if she had never been there.

            She didn’t know if this was her secret alone, or if others knew about the Good Samaritan who left the gasoline.  Victoria figured that one reason there was never any other bikes traveling this highway was the lack of available fuel.  No matter how liberating a ride down this highway might have made any rider feel, the stretch was too far to make it on one tank.  She knew she took her chances each time she made this trek into the desert, but for five years now, the mysterious benefactor had not failed her.

            Returning to the bike, Victoria unfastened the cords holding the duffel bags on the back.  Removing the smaller bag, she made her way back to the dark closet, and set it inside the door.  The bag was filled with junk, or treasure, depending on how you looked at it.  Victoria figured if you lived in a big metropolis with stores left and right, it was junk.  If you were a nomad of the desert, it was treasure.  Nuts, bolts, lights, chrome bits and pieces picked up here and there, remnants of leather, bandanas and gloves, and whatever other biker parts would fit in the bag, were stuffed inside.  She couldn’t be one hundred percent sure the gasoline provider was a biker, but she strongly felt that he was.

            With the bike taken care of, Victoria could now look around her little oasis.  There was an open shower, just a pipe with a nozzle at the top, and a raised platform constructed of 2x4’s to stand on.  She noticed a new, wooden picnic table with attached benches about twenty feet away, set in a flat area that was clear of large rocks.  Good place to put the sleeping bag and grab a short sleep, Victoria thought.  She was tough but didn’t really care for sleeping on the ground.  An open sleeping bag on the ground was an invitation to share said bag with any desert creature that slithered, hopped or crawled inside wasn’t her idea of fun.

            Grabbing the other duffel and her sleeping bag from the bike, Victoria carried them to the table.  Unzipping the bag, she reached inside and rummaged through the jumble of jeans and shirts until her fingers touched the soft leather she sought.  She pulled garments from the bag and carefully spread pants, vest, and jacket on the table, thinking about the moment she would slip into the supple black garments.

            Realizing the sun was much closer to the horizon than it had been when she arrived, Victoria urged herself to hurry, so she could be tucked into the sleeping bag when the sun went down.  She bent to unlace and remove her dusty boots and socks, then peeled the faded jeans and t-shirt from her body and tossed them in a pile on the ground.  Her white, lacey undergarments were added to the pile, looking a bit pure and pristine among the dirt and grime of the jeans and boots.

            Victoria reached into the bag again, this time to get shampoo and a comb.  Her long, dark hair would take forever to untangle, so with the thought of showering first and untangling later, she headed for the pipe and platform.  Turning the old-fashioned handle, she waited for the cold rain water from the cistern to hit her. The pipe gurgled and sputtered for a minute, but then, the pure, sweet, clean water poured from the showerhead. Surprisingly, it felt warmer than she thought it would, probably due to having been contained in a metal cistern in the sun all day, and, she was showering at a time when the air was just beginning to chill for the night.

            She felt cooler splatters as the water drops hit the wooden platform and bounced back upon her bare legs, then shivered as goose bumps covered her from head to toe.  What would her friends and family say, she mused, if they could see her out here in the dusky light, naked and showering in the wide open.  She smiled to herself at the thought.

            Victoria vigorously rubbed at her arms, then crossing her arms over her breasts, she held her breath and stepped directly under the spray.  Victoria tilted her face up into the flow of water, letting it wash away the sand and heat and grime of the day, ending one day, and getting her fresh and new for another.  Standing perfectly still, she delighted in the primitive bathing, and felt totally free, even a little wild and primal.

            Turning to let the water flow over her back and buttocks, she opened her eyes to take in the sweep of the wilderness laid out before her.  The muted and ever-changing colors in the western sky hinted of a heavy dusk.  The wispy clouds formed patterns in the sky, the colors almost hypnotizing Victoria as she stood under the flowing water.  She breathed deeply and returned to the process of washing.  Washing her hair quickly with the scented shampoo, she closed her eyes and let her sudsy hands linger first on the back of her neck, and then drop to cup her full breasts, her thumbs rubbing each erect nipple for a moment.  She tilted her head back slightly, her lips parted as her pent-up breath escaped, and she gasped in surprise as the water, which was now not so warm as it was icy, splashed in her face, trickling across her tongue and cooling her parched throat.

            Quickly stepping back under the spray to rinse off, Victoria was rushing now because the sun was sinking quickly, and the air was taking on the night chill of the desert.

            Victoria was attempting to comb out her tangled hair as she hopped around to drip dry, since she had no towel.  As soon as she was dry enough, she forgot about the tangles, and moved to the table for her clothes.  As she slipped into the soft leather pants, Victoria thought about her near obsession with leather, and how she loved wearing it, and nothing else.  The softness against every part of her bare flesh was almost as good as a lover’s touch against her skin, she imagined.  As far as she was concerned, nothing was closer to pure bliss than riding her motorcycle wearing nothing but leather.  It felt as if there was nothing between her and the machine, nothing to interfere with the pulsating feel of the roaring motorcycle.

            She sighed deeply, and decided she had better think of something else, especially if she wanted to get a few hours sleep before continuing her journey.  Spreading the sleeping bag on the tabletop first, she then set the vest aside, and slipped her bare arms into the supple black leather jacket and pulled it close around her without zipping it.  This is perfect, she thought as she sat on the edge of the table, with her feet dangling off the end.

            Victoria watched the remains of the sun disappear behind the western horizon, and felt the temperature drop with every inch the sun dropped.  The small foothills that met the sky in the west had a pink glow behind them.  Knowing that pink was very soothing, Victoria made the best of it, and watched until the glow faded, and she could barely discern the outline of the foothills.

            Preparing to lay back on the sleeping bag and close her eyes, Victoria took one last look around.  The bike was parked securely out of sight behind the old store, not that anyone would be along to see it.  The table was not visible from the road, she knew, because she had not noticed it until she had ridden around to the back of the building.

            Spotting her pile of dirty clothes on the ground, Victoria decided she had better gather them up so nothing would decide to make a home there for the night.  She eased off the table, setting a bare foot on the ground.  As soon as she did, she sensed it.

            There was a quivering, a low vibration from far away.  She stepped back upon the bench.  Nothing.  Was she imagining things?  This time she placed both bare feet on the ground.  Yes, there it was, a pulsating beat, coming up from the earth.  She took a few steps.  Turning, Victoria looked in all directions.  There was nothing.  Nothing but the odd way the moonlight made illuminations and shadows on the tumbleweeds, and the way the desert floor looked even flatter in the moonlight.

            Suddenly the thunder coming from the ground was stronger, and she turned toward the road leading from the west.  She felt it before she saw it.  Him.  She knew it was him.  She didn’t know how she knew, but she did.  She felt it.  Just as he had known she was coming and had the place ready for her.  She knew.  She listened, straining to see, but could see nothing.  Still staring intently at the highway, Victoria concentrated on the feeling emanating from the ground, and the sound.  Steady, strong, rumbling, pulsating.  It didn’t waver.  It was constant, like the simple beating of a heart, never changing tempo.

            There.  There it was.  He must be near the old signpost.  There was a slowing, and the sound of the bike downshifting.  The she saw the light.  It seemed to appear out of nowhere.  The light was bright, yet appeared diffused, with a halo effect, reminding Victoria of how the moon looks before an evening rainfall, with a halo surrounding it.

            Wondering how she had felt, and then heard, what must be a big, monstrous machine, before she ever saw the headlight, Victoria wasn’t frightened as she stood there on the cool ground, waiting.  She knew he would come.  She didn’t know what he would be like and didn’t even wonder. She zipped the jacket, put her hands in the pockets, and stood still, waiting for him.

            He turned off the road and drove around back much more quickly and sure of himself than Victoria had been earlier.  The moonlight flashed off the chrome of his bike as he brought it to a stop.  Not hurrying, he swung his long, lean leg over the bike, removed an old, worn jacket, and laid it across the seat of the bike, and turned to Victoria.

            Not knowing what to expect, she didn’t say a word.  She stood without moving and waited.  Although she wanted to look at the bike more closely to see if she recognized any of the parts on it as anything she had left on one of her prior visits, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from his face.  From her brief glimpse, she could tell that it was a man’s bike, customized to a degree that it was truly unique.  His and his alone.  She would be willing to bet that no one had ever ridden that bike but him.

            He stopped about ten feet from where Victoria stood and stared at her for a full minute.  He seemed to be taking in everything about her, from her tumble of dark tangled hair to the small, bare feet.  Victoria’s fair, sunburned skin and her green eyes were illuminated by the moonlight, and dressed completely in black, she gave off a rather surreal appearance.  This didn’t stop him from looking though.

            He continued to visually examine her.  Victoria’s face appeared to be expressionless, except for her eyes, which sparkled in anticipation.  Her dark brows above the wide set eyes lifted only the slightest, a movement that would have been imperceptible if he had not been staring her right in the face.

            Suddenly Victoria was hot inside the jacket, and felt her skin become damp.  She wanted to reach up and lower the zipper, but she couldn’t do that now, surely not with him standing right there, so close.  How did he get so close?  She didn’t remember him walking to close the gap between them.  Her pants felt like a second skin, and stuck to her thighs, hiding nothing.  Victoria was not embarrassed.  She was, however, frozen to the spot and couldn’t move.

            He took a step toward her and stopped again.  This time it was Victoria’s turn, and she returned his stare.  Victoria prided herself on always looking to see what is on the inside, and truly believing that outside beauty was skin deep, and it was the beauty on the inside that mattered.  But what she saw standing there, right in front of her, merely inches away, was nothing short of what must be the perfect man.

            Looking up, she figured he must be about a handful of inches over six feet tall, although she will never know why she was being so precise right at that very moment.  He was muscular, with very black hair that fell straight, past his shoulders.  His golden eyes were dark and deep set, reflecting the moonlight.  His face too was dark, smooth and angular, and his mouth was, well, tempting.  That was the only word she could think of—tempting.  He was wearing a soft looking denim shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, jeans and black boots.  His clothes looked new and clean.  Not at all like the desert hermit that she had halfway been expecting.

            Victoria opened her mouth, not to say anything, but just to breathe.  She felt as if she had been holding her breath for hours, waiting for him, although it was only a few minutes since she had felt the vibrations, heard the roar, then saw the light, and waited.  He smiled, showing a mouthful of beautiful, white teeth.  Victoria said a small “thank you” in her thoughts, and smiled back, a small, tentative, almost smile.

            “It’s you.”  He said softly.  “Did you find the gasoline?”

            “Y-yes,” Victoria almost stammered.  Surely, he didn’t come all the way out here in the dark just to make sure she had found the gasoline.

            “Victoria,” he spoke again, this time with a knowing glint in his eye.

            “How did you….” She started to ask how he knew her name, but he just shook his head with a smile in his eyes, and a slighter smile on his tempting mouth.

            “You’re just as beautiful as I thought you would be.”  He said, continuing to look her directly in the eyes.  “I’m glad you’re here.”

            Victoria didn’t know how to respond, so she just stood there, looking back at the beautiful man in the moonlight, and wondering who he was.

            This time, it was Victoria who inched closer to him.  She wanted to say something, but absolutely could not think of anything to say.  Nothing.  A first, probably.  The longer she stood there before him, the more she felt her insides melting.  She wondered what it would feel like to be held in those muscular arms and kissed by those luscious lips.  Most of all she wondered what it would feel like to be possessed completely by this stranger, who was, moment by moment, feeling less like a stranger. 

            She also wondered what his name was.

            “Sam,” he said.  Oh God, could he read her mind too?  How had he known she was there?  Who was this man?  Sam, that’s what he said.  Sam.

            “Sam,” she repeated.  Why couldn’t she think of anything to say?  Suddenly Victoria realized that her arm was extended toward him, and her hand was resting on his arm, just below his elbow.  His skin felt dry and clean.  Come to think of it, his hair was neat, his clothes weren’t rumpled with travel and heat, and standing this close, she could even smell the sweetness of his breath.  Oh, thank you God, she thought again.

            Victoria started to move her hand from his arm, but he grabbed her hand in his and held it tight.  He pulled her a step closer, so now they stood, barely touching, looking at one another, eyes to eyes.  Victoria needed to breathe, she thought, but if she did, the tips of her breasts straining against the leather would be pressed to the denim of his shirt.  She closed her eyes and took the deepest breath she could.

            Never in all her fantasies did Victoria ever imagine there would be such a man that could arouse her with just a touch.  Sam did that.  His touch was like fire, melting her from the inside out.  She felt her insides fill with pressure, desiring release, and wanting Sam to be the one to claim it from her.

            He reached around Victoria and pulled her even closer to him, so that her entire body was now pressed against the length of his.  She caught her breath as she realized that he was aroused also.  She wanted to reach down and place her hand there on the hardness of him but was pinned tight against him and couldn’t move.  Victoria concentrated on the feeling, and the sensations that Sam was stirring in her.  She felt that she couldn’t be this close to him for another moment without bursting, yet at the same time, she wanted to prolong each new sensation he was arousing.

            He moved his mouth to her ear lobe, and then to her neck.  She felt his hot tongue trace its way down to her collarbone, and then to her shoulder beneath the jacket collar.  All that kept Victoria from writhing in pleasure was the fact that he had her still pinned to him, holding her tightly with both arms.  At that moment, his grip loosened slightly, just enough for her to wiggle her arms free.

            She instinctively reached up and placed her hands behind his head, in the silkiness of his thick hair, and pulled his face closer to her own, stopping just before her lips touched his.  Victoria thought she wanted nothing more in this life than his kiss, to savor his strong, hard mouth with hers, and to taste the very air that he breathed.

            Sam let her want for only a moment longer.  He watched through half closed eyes as she opened her mouth slightly and her tongue darted out to moisten her lower lip.  Breathing deeply, Victoria decided she had waited enough, and pulled him to her.  He covered her soft lips with his; a kiss so deep, so strong, that Victoria thought she would drown in it.  Somewhere in the back of her mind, she wondered if this was what it felt like to drown, to have all your senses consumed in this one sensation.

            She felt his tongue again, plunging deeper into her mouth, taking all she had.  Just when she felt her knees buckle and she felt sure she was going under for the last time, Victoria felt the warmth of his breath and the cool night air mingle on her wet lips.  He was breathing as hard as she was, and when she opened her eyes to look at him, his eyes were reflecting the fire from within her now, instead of the moonlight.

            Sam tried to breathe slow and steady as he released Victoria from his arms.  Her hands moved from his neck, along his shoulders, and down to the fabric of his shirt, stretched across his broad, muscular chest, feeling for the buttons.  With shaking hands, she unbuttoned each one, pulled the tail from his jeans, and pushed the shirt off his shoulders.  As her hand brushed over his tensed shoulder muscles, she felt a burning sensation, like she had touched something on fire.  Victoria leaned close to him, and saw the tattoo, there on his shoulder.  It was a big cat, black and sleek and wild, crouched and ready, with gleaming golden eyes, seeming to watch her every move.

            Her hands were still trembling as she placed them on his smooth chest, and slowly moved around to his sides, and then encircled his waist with her arms.  If Sam showed any surprise at Victoria’s boldness, he didn’t show it.  He did let a smile of anticipation show for a moment, but only for a moment, because when Victoria let go of him and unzipped her jacket and her breasts spilled out, he didn’t waste a second in reaching for them with both hands.

            Wavering between wanting to watch the moonlight and shadows play on the curves of her breast and wanting to take one of the hard nipples between his lips, he let his hands linger for a moment, cupping and massaging.  One long, low groan from Victoria decided for him.  He lowered his head and let his mouth surround her nipple, using tongue and lips and teeth in ways Victoria had never fathomed could be possible. 

            Gasping, she grasped both of Sam’s hands and pulled them around her, lowering them so she could feel him grip her through the soft leather, and heard his moan as he realized there was nothing but bare skin under the leather.

            As Sam raised his mouth to hers for another plundering kiss, Victoria raised one leg to wrap around his, wanting to pull him in and be as close as she could be to him.  Victoria was taller than most women, standing almost eye to chin with Sam, so it didn’t take much for him to reach under her behind and lift her up to press against him.  Victoria wrapped her legs and arms around him and returned the kiss, her tongue probing his mouth just as his had hers earlier.  She could feel his heart beating as she pressed her breasts against his chest, and she could swear she felt a rumbling between her thighs as she gripped him tightly around the hips with her legs.

            Victoria ran her hands over his back, feeling muscles as hard as steel under her exploring hands.  As she threw back her head and gulped for air, his mouth began seeking out that certain place on her neck that he had discovered only moments ago.  When he kissed that spot, Victoria wiggled and moaned, nearly falling out of his arms.  Sam tried to hold her still with one hand while pushing her jacket off her shoulder and down one arm with the other.  Victoria pulled the jacket completely off and dropped it to the ground.  Still holding her, Sam let his tongue trail down her throat, then further to where her round white breasts mounded.  Victoria grasped him by his hair and guided his mouth back, toward the hollow of her throat.  As he nibbled her warm skin, she buried her face in his hair and breathed deeply, wanting to absorb the very scent of him.

            Sam opened his eyes and exhaled, all the while keeping Victoria held tight to him.  He easily carried her across the remaining few steps to the table where the sleeping bag was spread and set her on the table.  He only took his arms from her to remove his shirt completely and drop it to the ground.  Taking off his boots, he tossed them aside and stepped onto the bench.  He squatted directly in front of Victoria, placing one of her bare feet on each side of him on the bench.  He reached up to smooth her tangled hair, which was dry by this time, and curling wildly around her face and shoulders.

            The night air was cool, and Victoria could now feel herself trembling.  Not from the cold, but rather from the powerful heat of him.  She straightened suddenly as she felt a bead of perspiration trickle down the center of her back to the waistband of her pants.  Sensing her discomforting tickle, Sam rubbed his hands along her arms, and then circled her waist with his palms along her back.  With one hand, he unbuttoned the silver button at the waistband of her pants and tugged on the zipper.  Once loosened, he slipped both hands inside the waistband, and slid them down her hips.  Once again, he smiled pleasurably as he touched her bare skin underneath the leather.

            Victoria smiled back, her green eyes flashing in the night.  She couldn’t stand without knocking Sam off the bench, so she shifted backward on the table and brought her feet up in order to pull off the pants.  Once they were off, and relegated to the end of the table, she wiggled back to the spot in front of him, again placing a foot on each side of him.  Sam took one more look into Victoria’s eyes and saw that the invitation her body was sending him was reflected in her very soul.  He wanted her to desire him as much as he did her, and his lust was fueled even more by her intensity and her strength.  Victoria gave as much as she took, her body demanding to be satisfied as she offered herself up completely to him.  Sam knew this; he could feel it in her every touch, from the brush of her lips on his skin to the trail of her fingertips along his back.

            Those fingers now trailed along his chest, leaving goose bumps wherever she touched.  Victoria slipped the fingers of both hands inside the waistband of his jeans and pulled him toward her.  Her thumbs pressed along the front of the zipper, and she could feel him straining against the denim.  As soon as Victoria unsnapped the waistband, the zipper slid open and set him free.  She wrapped both hands around him, rubbing the fiery hot skin and drawing him closer to her.

            She tugged again at the jeans, indicating that they should come completely off.  Sam and Victoria both stood on the bench now, balanced precariously, and she thought her knees would buckle under her when he reached for her again, this time pulling her close, bare skin touching everywhere possible.  When she could tolerate it no longer, Victoria sank to the softness of the sleeping bag, pulling him down beside her.  Sam stroked her from head to toe, relishing the feel of her smooth soft skin, and marveling at the way she quivered when he touched her.

            He wanted her now.  He didn’t feel he could wait a minute longer.  But Sam knew he would wait until she was ready for him, savoring every second until that time.  Victoria wiggled again, eliciting more low moans from Sam.  Then she felt his silky hair fall across her breasts as he moved, placing kisses over her breasts, trailing his tongue down her belly, past her belly button, and not stopping until he had buried his face in the wet softness there, moans escaping between the licks and kisses. 

Victoria wanted to reach for the strands of his jet-black hair that lay across her, to feel them between her fingers, and even wanted to taste the silky texture.  But every thought she had was obliterated when she felt his tongue probe the warm wet folds of her, reaching inside to touch the very spirit of what made her Victoria, making her cry out in the night, the primal sound reaching across the depths of the dark desertscape in all directions.  He didn’t stop, but kept probing, lost in the exploration as she writhed beneath him.

Victoria leaned back on her elbows with her head thrown back.  Her eyes were closed, the moonlight illuminating the rapturous look on her face.  She cried out again as she felt her insides give way and her body arched and shuddered, echoing the rhythmic pulses from within her.  Breathing hard and fast, she felt the contrast of the now cold desert air she was gulping in and the fiery hot touch as Sam consumed her.  Consumed her, body and soul.

Just as she thought she couldn’t take anymore, Sam moved to her side and lay on his back, and with both hands reached over and pulled her up, literally lifting her from the tabletop and placing her, straddling him, easily, gently, directly, on top of him.

She took him in one motion, gasping again at this new feel of him deep inside her.  Victoria felt her insides contracting again, and she felt lightheaded for a few seconds.  Opening her eyes wide, she found Sam’s eyes penetrating her with such a fervor and desperation, she willed herself to engulf him completely, to bring him inside her and keep him there forever.  For a moment, as she pinned him close with her knees, she felt the same vibration she had when riding her bike, and she felt the same hard steel of the big machine between her legs, only in an organic manner now, at this moment.  She was under his control, yet at the same time she was as free as the wind.

Victoria felt a gentle tug as Sam buried his fist in the curls at the back of her head, as if he were holding on to something he wanted to never escape.  He pulled her toward him, and she kissed his mouth fully and deeply, without reserve, feeling his tongue and teeth, biting his lip as she felt him push deeper within her.

Victoria moved slowly at first, and then faster and even more vigorously when Sam reached behind her and lifted her again, ever so slightly. Never leaving her, he stretched her out and rolled her over.  She could see the full moon hanging in the black night over his shoulder as he moved over her.  She wrapped her legs around his waist to pull him closer to her.  Her hands grasped for his shoulders; her palm feeling heat when she touched the tattoo.  Even though Victoria was flat on her back, she felt as though she had to hang on for dear life.

Victoria felt the ground disappear from beneath her, and points of light from somewhere in the black sky rushed to meet her as she was transported from an earthly being to a spirit, soaring through the wind in the black night, hanging on.  She could feel the heated thrusts in her body pushing her further and further into the sparkling black void of space.  She held on, pulling Sam to her, with her, on the journey, the fantastic journey, trying to memorize every movement, every sensation.

She was still soaring when she felt his warm hand on her face, willing her to open her eyes and look at him.  As Victoria opened her eyes and looked into his, she felt their souls bond in an ethereal union, forever to be a part of each other.  She parted her lips with only the slightest of smiles, needing to let him know that she had felt it, and she understood.

At that same moment, she felt him take one last plunge deep within her and heard the rumble in his throat as he groaned long, and low, almost a growl.  She saw his eyes darken to an even deeper black as she felt his essence flow, wildly, from him and into her.  Victoria lifted her mouth to his, wanting to devour each and every moment and keep it with her for eternity.

She listened now, heard his breathing slow, and reached up to touch the glistening skin of his chest, arms and shoulders.  Sam seemed to come back to reality then, and smiled a slow, lazy smile as he gathered her in his arms and turned her so that her back was pressed up against him.  They lay still for several minutes, wrapped in a cocoon of desert air, breathing in unison, his arms never leaving her.  Victoria almost felt as if she would purr in contentment as Sam pulled the sleeping bag up to cover them both.

His voice was low and deep and soft when he spoke.  “See the stars on either side of the moon?”  He lifted her hand with his, pointing to the bright points of light in the blackness of the sky on each side of the moon.  “The legend of the ancient people who lived here tells their story.”  Keeping his hand in hers and bringing both up under her chin, he continued.  “The twinkling lights in the sky are the spirits of beings no longer of this earth.  They have left the earth and travel the night sky.  On nights when there is no moon, or a new moon, one can see the spirits scattered across the sky, constantly moving, searching.  They search for their mate.”

Sam paused, and leaned to place a tender, warm kiss on Victoria’s head.  “When the moon is full, as tonight, the spirits unite with their eternal spirit mate.  They hide in the dark and shadows as long as they can, for when the moon begins to wan, they must again roam the sky.  The two you see tonight, Teyla and Jolinar, go centuries without finding each other, even for the night allowed them.  They were cursed, doomed to wander for decades, even centuries, alone on either side of the moon.  Legend says that in life they were stubborn, refusing to take what was handed them in their lifetime, refusing to find love when love found them.  Instead, they were constantly looking for something that wasn’t there for them to find.”

Victoria turned within the circle of his arms to face Sam.  “How beautiful, and how sad,” she said, watching the moon in his eyes.

“Of course, now we call them Mars and Venus, and we see them because they can outshine all the stars, even during a full moon.”  Sam didn’t take his eyes off Victoria as he spoke.

“I’ll always find you Victoria, and I won’t need a full moon.”

She looked at him, and although she knew he would leave soon, she felt peace and contentment.  Victoria felt as if this one night could last a lifetime.   An eternity, if necessary.  They were spirit mates; they would find each other again.  With that thought, Victoria moved closer to Sam and laid her head in the crook of his arm stretching and curling, feline like, closed her eyes, and drifted off to a peaceful sleep.  She knew Sam was awake, watching over her, and watching the moon start its descent across the sky.

She didn’t know when he moved from the sleeping bag and zipped it up tightly around her.  The first rays of dawn were creeping over the horizon when she opened her eyes.  Where he had been beside her, there was now her pile of clothing that had been tossed to the ground earlier.  Victoria sat up, feeling the cool morning air creep down inside the sleeping bag and touch her bare skin.  Blinking to clear her vision, she looked toward the decrepit building.  One bike was parked there—hers.

Something compelled her to jump out of the sleeping bag and to the ground.  Yes, she felt it.  There it was.  The quaking and vibration of the ground beneath her feet sent a trembling all the way through her.  She pressed her palms together and felt the trembling there as she strained to look down the highway.  She saw it only briefly, only for a glimpse, on the eastbound highway, heading into the sunrise—a glint of sun on metal as it moved quickly toward the horizon. She watched it, and then it was gone, just as suddenly as she had seen it.  She thought she saw something move there, but it wasn’t speeding along the highway, and it wasn’t gleaming in the sunlight.

He was gone.  Even knowing that, she felt a peace, and a fulfillment.  Feeling a tingle at the hollow of her throat, Victoria closed her eyes and reached up to touch the spot he had kissed throughout the night.  She was surprised when her fingers touched softly braided leather.  She felt the piece—felt braided leather and metal beads.  The necklace was tied loosely around her neck and the dangling leather ends tickled her back.  Victoria walked over to her bike and looked at her reflection in the mirror.  The necklace was beautiful.  The leather was perfectly braided into a wide, flat braid, with tiny silver beads placed randomly around the length of it.  In the very center, there was tucked, among the braiding, a small, jet-black feather.  Upon closer inspection, she saw that it wasn’t a feather at all, but silk, very intricately woven into the braiding of the necklace.  It looked like silk, but Victoria new it wasn’t, she knew it was hair.  Long, straight, silky, black hair.

Her treasure.

Chilled now, she walked back to the table, slipped into the leather clothes.  She found a brush and brushed out her hair.  Victoria started to reach for a leather tie, but decided to leave it loose and flowing around her face.  After rolling up the sleeping bag and securing the bag on the back of her bike, Victoria straddled the seat and turned the key.  She listened to the rumble, letting the engine warm for a few minutes, then shifted into first and turned the throttle and headed out onto the highway.  She turned east on the desert road, squinting against the bright, white morning sun.

Victoria saw a movement at the roadside up ahead, close to where she thought she had seen the gleaming chrome earlier.  She slowed just a bit, looking into the brown landscape.  When she saw the sleek black cat, wild and beautiful, crouching by the roadside, she wasn’t surprised.  She wasn’t frightened either.  The cat watched her, without making a move, its golden eyes never wavering or blinking.  Victoria returned her eyes to the road ahead and looked into the rearview mirror.  The space where the cat had been was now empty.  Victoria turned her head to look back but saw nothing.

She thought of Sam.  She felt the evidence of him still within her, his touch still on her skin and the heat of him still within her.  As the bike roared beneath her, she could feel his touch, and trembled throughout.  Was he real?  She closed her eyes for a moment and could see his lean bronze face before her, could feel the silkiness of his hair in her hands and the heat of his eyes as he looked into the very depths of her.  But where was he?  Was he a mirage?  Or a spirit, a point of light waiting to connect with his soul mate?

Victoria rolled the throttle a little harder, picking up speed.  With her left hand reached up to her neck to touch the soft leather braid.  The necklace warmed her skin, perhaps the very same way a pinpoint of starlight warmed the night sky.  Victoria smiled as she sped off into the sunrise.






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